
Who Knew!

I have a little dilemma, of course it's work related. There is a new guy in my department and he is just gorgeous to me. The problem is he is my direct report supervisor. This screams "what the heck are you thinking!", but hey sometimes things just happen that are not under you control. He is the complete opposite of some of things I had planned for my ideal guy: tall, handsome, must have hair, great sense of humor, honest, have a job, takes care of himself, smart, outgoing, caring and must be black. Well, he matched all but two. He is bald and he is white. Yup, funny how life just wants to throw you a curveball when you don't want it!

The fact that he is white doesn't bother me, but the bald thing.... Sure he is a great guy at work and he has a tendency to bug the heck out of me when he yells my name over the wall to ask a question and stops by me desk to say crazy things. I can't help it that I find something sexy about him. Besides the fact that he is my supervisor, there is the whole physical looks thing. He is fit and in shape, while I am over weight struggling to lose it and have a few other attributes that may turn a guy away. Wow, I'm way honest in the blog today which is very scary for me.

I'm not kidding that this man has my panties all wet. Not to mention that some of my peers are noticing the interaction between us. Some are saying that he is interested in me and they say that it was from the first day he started! Now, I have moral standards and I would never cross that line of sleeping with the boss, but he could be the one who has me tossing that out the window. He is planning on doing bi-weekly statuses. Us behind closed doors... Lord, help me!Anyway, maybe this will be good for my career, not in that way, but for me to get off my butt and look for a new job. Oh, I have one more kicker here, he is 7 years younder then me.

Dilemma indeed!